Friday, November 23, 2012


Shelby survived her first Thanksgiving.  She started the day with her sister's favorite parade, The Macys (and  Anabelles) Day Parade.  Anabelle said that next year will have to be the Macy, Anabelle and Shelby Parade.

It was an unusually warm day so the big girls headed to the park for some fun before all the cooking started. Very strange to see everyone outside walking and playing without coats and hats on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving was at Shelby's house. GG, Grandpa Bob, Alice and Alejandro all joined us for some turkey and fun for the rest of the day. It was perfect.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


The Watson's are proud to announce Shelby Rose Watson joined the family at 12:04am on November 9th.  The was 8 lbs 0 oz and 20 inches (the exact same as her oldest sister).  She has been happy and healthy during her first week. Mom has done amazing also.

Here are a couple pictures and videos are being updated on the left side of the page.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Macy turned 2!

Wow, time truly does fly!  I can't believe Macy is 2 years old!  She had her 2-year doctor check-up and is doing great.  She's 27 lbs (56%) and 34 in (57%).  Perfect.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day and Macy's 1st haircut

We had such a nice Mother's Day! 
I am so lucky to have these 2 super-sweet, loving, fun and silly girls in my life!

In other news, Macy got her 1st haircut!  She did such a great job sitting still (honestly, I was a bit nervous)!

Mom's artistic photography, I call it "Macy with Macy reflection in mirror."  It's too cute though, right?

Here's the finished product!  She looks thrilled, doesn't she!
Actually she was pretty excited about the whole process.  She kept saying, "My turn?!"  She usually has to just watch her big sister get to do all the fun things.  But, the hair looks adorable and she's ready for her big 2nd Birthday party this weekend!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mom's Day at Anabelle's Preschool

This past week I got to go to school with Anabelle for a fun-filled Mom's Day!  The kids had worked so hard on making so many special treats for us and then even sang some songs for us, one of which made me cry ... You are my Sunshine!

Anabelle and her best friend, Jenna

I was so proud of my little girl.  She sang all the songs and was absolutely the cutest kid up there!

Then we went outside and released some butterflies that they've raised since they were caterpillars.  When her teacher said they came out of a cocoon, Anabelle immediately corrected her and said it was actually a chrysalis!  That's my girl. :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's been awhile

Sorry it's been so long since we've updated!  Things have been good.  Here's a quick recap of the month of 
April - 
Easter Family Photo

We went for an overnight stay at Mohican Lodge ... they had a pool which was a total highlight for the girls.

 New Game: Daddy Potato Head

Anabelle started soccer practice!  (Of course in a princess shirt.  It was either that or a pretty dress.)

Macy is one silly girl!  She'll be 2 in 2 weeks, but she thinks she 6!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our little Preschooler

Anabelle's class photo:
She's sitting next to her best friend, Jenna (in the pink shirt)!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Silly sisters

The girls are becoming the best of friends. They love to play together (but don't get me wrong, there's plenty of arguing too)!
Here they are doing who-knows-what in the laundry basket:
Cooking with Paula Dean:
And getting excited for Easter:

Sweet girls! They miss you all. :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hello Spring?

Are you really here, Spring?!
Today was a nice, warm, sunny day and we took full advantage of it! We played outside all morning before Anabelle had to go to school.

The girls were so excited to see that some of their flowers are already blooming!
I'm sure we'll still get some cold days but it sure was fun to have a little taste of spring-time!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aunt Colleen and Tim visit

What a fun weekend we had ... Aunt Colleen and Tim drove up on Thursday evening to come play! Friday, while mom and dad were at work, they did crafts galore and made yummy cupcakes. The girls were in heaven! This picture truly is worth a thousand words:
We decided to test our skills at bowling on Saturday morning.
Anabelle did a victory dance after every pin she knocked down.

Even Macy tested out her skills.
Then it was time to head to the ice rink and lace up the skates!
Anabelle loved it so much, she cried when it was time to leave.
Although she was wobbly, Anabelle had to skate on 1 leg! Just like the fancy skaters on tv!
After a busy, activity-filled day it was time to sit back, relax and watch a Disney movie (or just watch Tim, he's pretty interesting, too)!
Thanks for coming to visit, Aunt Colleen and Tim. We love you!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New wheels

The Watson Family has officially become the proud owners of a "Mom car." No, not a mini-van, but it does seat 7 - very cool.
So, we're going from this:
to this:
Next time Aunt Colleen can have a whole 3rd row to herself!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tackle Giggles

The girls had a fun time creating a new game yesterday! Enjoy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Winter Fun!

Our first attempt at ice skating! Anabelle really, really wanted to be able to do spins and skate on one leg, so she kept trying to move on the ice. But alas we never made it farther than 5 feet from the entrance way! Still tons of fun.
Getting ready to play in the snow. (AB LOVES her Tinkerbell scarf - Thanks Aunt Shannon!)
Making a snow angel. :)
Who needs hills for sledding?! We had so much fun just sliding around the back yard!

Monday, February 13, 2012

2 new videos for your enjoyment

Take a look at the new videos on the side bar. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Picture catch-up!

The princess and the little sister.
Washing dishes is one of the funnest things ever. Wouldn't you agree?
Look at all my soapy bubbles!
"We're in a boat!" Obviously.

Fun fun times with the cutest girls in the world!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What language is this?

Anabelle will speak jibberish sometimes but this almost sounded like she had developed her own language and mixed in some english. Let me know if you can figure it out!

Art Museum Inspiration

The Watson's went high class today. A trip to the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Yep, walking around fancy paintings, sculptures and pictures while repeating every 5 seconds, "Anabelle, please don't touch anything." Macy behaved well in the stroller as long as we kept moving and Anabelle actually did have a good time. I think the main issue was concern from dad that he was going to end up buying a $50k painting that just looked like a bunch of paint splattered on a canvas.

The truth is that the museum of art meets the several main criteria for a Cleveland dad in winter; its free, its indoors and they are brave enough to advertise as kid friendly so they have to know what they are getting in to.

All that being said, later in the day Maggie and I look over at Anabelle's drawing of what is usually circles, lines and the letter 'A' and are astounded. She drew her first "person". So here it is to enjoy . . .

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Funny or Not

Macy created a new game recently. Let me know if you think it is funny. The game goes like this . . .

We put Macy down to sleep, she is quiet for a little while then she starts crying, when you go to check on her she asks for her pacifier but you can't find it. No in the crib, not on the floor but then you feel a lump in her pajamas. Yeah, she puts her paci down the neck of her pajamas then cries because she can't get it back.

Do you think Anabelle and Macy like cupcakes????

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Video Updates

It's been quite a while since a post so the minimum I can do is provide a couple videos to make you smile. Take a look to the toolbar on the left. Have a great day!

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Sledding Experience

Multiple surprises here. First, it snowed in Cleveland today. Can you believe it? Second, today was the first time we took Anabelle and Macy sledding.

Both girls got sleds from GG and Grandpa Bob for Christmas and there was about two inches of snow this morning so we decided it was time for some sledding. Never forget a potty break before layering up so we started there. No joke, Maggie had Anabelle all geared up other than her coat and she says, "I have to go potty." Off it all came.

We went to a nearby park with some small hills. The girls started laughing and smiling the second they hit the snow. It took about 3 times down the hill sharing the sled with us when Anabelle said she wants to do it herself. She was so brave and wanted to go down bigger hills. It was a great first sledding experience.