Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Impressions

Grandma and Grandpa Watson made the trip up from Louisville to see their new Granddaughter Macy Therese. Macy has mostly slept but they have had plenty of opportunities to hold her and change some stinky diapers.

Sunny Cleveland

This has been a fabulous week to be off work and at home with my new daughter Macy. Cleveland has been nothing but sunny with temperatures in 70s and 80s. To cap off the week, Grandma and Grandpa Watson came to visit for Memorial Day Weekend. Anabelle has had a blast with all the attention.

Grandma played in the pool:

Grandpa did some coloring:

And then we went to the beach:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Girls Playing

Here is a short video to give you an idea of what Anabelle is like with Macy. She has been very cute so far wanting to give her hugs and hold her hand. We do have to be careful though because she definitely doesn't know how strong she is and how fragile Macy is. I can't wait until they can actually play together.

Picture and Quick Video

Here is picture of Macy and quick video. Macy doesn't do a whole lot right now so the majority of the video is Anabelle. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So if you don't know by now our second little girl, Macy Therese, has arrived. Here is the play-by-play without the gruesome details.

Lead Up - Thursday evening Maggie had a fever and wasn't feeling real good. That continued all Friday with some cramping and general not good feelings. So when she woke up Saturday with a fever of 101.4 we decided to call the doctor. The doctor thought is was probably just the flu and nothing they would do but he decided to send us to the hospital just to check.
10:45am - We arrived at the hospital and they started some tests. The doctor showed up and did some tests also that made him think it may not be the flu. They watched the stats for awhile and had a second doctor consult. Maggie was having regular 7min apart contractions but not much pain. The second doctors opinion basically came down to, Not sure if there is something wrong or not but your baby is 37+ weeks so lets just be safe and induce. So we were off.
4:15pm - They moved us from the triage room to a delivery room.
4:30pm - Dad left the delivery room to go home and get supplies. We were completely unprepared. On the drive to the hospital I was picking out where we were going to lunch. Boy was I wrong.
5:00pm - They started the Pitocin (inducing drug). Zero centimeters dialated.
8:30pm - Maggie got the epidural. One centimeter dialated, some progress but not much.
10:30pm - Maggie felt something that in retrospect may have been her water breaking but nobody knew for sure at the time.
12:30am - They checked Maggie and graciously gave her 1.5cm dialated. At this point we are thinking it is going to take a month to fully dialate. Dad laid down and started to take short naps. Maggie was closing her eyes and relaxing. Gotta love the epidural.
2:30am - Starting to feel some pain so they gave Maggie an epidural boost. They also checked again and she was a solid 2cm. You have to be kidding me, we're 12hrs+ in and have only made it 2cm.
4:30am - Maggie presses the nurse call button. She is feeling some pressure that she wasn't feeling before. Dad wakes up to some commotion.
4:35am - The nurse comes in to check and presses the call button, "Can you get me the midwife, FAST!"
4:40am - The midwife comes in, takes a peak and says, "That baby is ready to come. Start pushing!" Maggie and I are in disbelief and think this can't be right. They always tell you not to push, wait for everything to be ready. Just 2 hours ago Maggie was 2cm. What's going on???
4:49am - After less then 10 minutes of pushing (painful but short time) out came precious little Macy Therese.

So that will be Macy's delivery story. It happened so fast at the end that it was even suprising to the nurses. The doctor showed up about 15 minutes later very suprised at what had happened. And in the end, all the blood test confirmed that there wasn't anything wrong, just the flu. Macy could have waited another couple weeks if she wanted, but we are glad to have her a little early.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The new "Big Girl" room

So, here it is! Anabelle's new room.

And here she is! The cutest girl in the world with her favorite blankie!
She loves everything about her new room and hasn't looked back once at the nursery!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Play time with friends

Well, the rain has finally stopped and I've finally stopped working so Anabelle and I are able to get out and play! This morning we went to the playground and the nature center with her friends Ella (2 months older than Anabelle) and Geena (3 months younger). They had lots of fun, but trying to get a good picture of 3 1-year olds is next to impossible!

And finally, a picture of "Little Miss Personality!"

She did it!

Anabelle made it through the whole night in her new bed and new room!!! We were wishing we had a peep hole to see how (or where!) she was sleeping, but I'm pretty sure she just stayed in the bed the entire time.
She did wake up about an hour earlier than usual but when I went to get her she was just sitting up in bed hanging out! Then she didn't want to get out of bed, just read books while we laid there!
Now, she's taking her nap and so far, no problems!! I hope I don't jinx it, but it seems like it all went very smoothly!
It is a little bitter sweet though. I can't believe how fast our little girl is growing up!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First night in the Big Girl bed!

Alright, we made the leap! We just put Anabelle down to sleep in her new Big Girl bed in her new room! It's been in the works for a while and Anabelle has had fun "visiting" her new room, so hopefully this big transition will be an easy one!
Amazingly, she went down without a single sound. Hopefully the rest of the night goes just as well.
We'll update you on how it goes and we'll get some pictures up of her new room (it's super-cute, if I do say so myself)!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anabelle and her princess bike

As you may know, Anabelle LOVES to be outside. And she has a blast on her bikes (yes, plural. She has a few.) She can't quite reach the pedals yet but she's okay with that. And check out her new shoes! Fun times all around!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Despite the look on Anabelle's face, she had a nice Mother's Day with her mommy! It's just that she really, really likes the camera ... as a toy - she wants to look at the pictures rather than have them taken! It makes for a difficult time of getting a good pic!
Eventually, she obliged and kinda smiled!
I can say though that I am a very lucky mom! Anabelle is the best! And she makes Mother's Day super-special, no matter what!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

35 week doctor appointment

Maggie had another doctors appointment today and everything is still on track. Although she seems like she's HUGE her weight and size are right on track. The baby also seems like she is hanging out super low. The doctor confirmed that when he started searching for the heartbeat. He started at the normal height and kept moving lower till he found it and said, "WOW, this baby is really low."
Grandmas, stay calm though. Your next baby girl still has a some time before she says HI.

Maggie has started to feel a little more uncomfortable though. Nothing specific or major, just everything is a little rougher. Luckily though she has been sleeping really well so that makes the days easier to deal with.