Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

The family all loaded up and traveled down to Louisville this weekend for Grandma and Grandpa's annual Pumpkin Carving party. The first night we went to a Kentucky tradition, Mike Lennig's Restaurant. Then Sunday was all about carving and chili. Anabelle had a great time but didn't really want to get too dirty with the pumpkin guts. She asked me to carve her pumpkin as a pig.

You can check to the left for three videos from the weekend. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a great weekend.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rock and ROLL over

It's official, Macy rolled over! She has actually rolled from her tummy to her back a few times already, but yesterday she did the harder maneuver from her back to her tummy! Way to go Macy. Another milestone - they're flying by!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bouncy Bouncy

Macy has started to use her bouncy chair and is really liking it. She can turn herself around and grab all of the toys. Anabelle thinks it is kind of fun too. She acts like she is pushing Macy in a swing. Enjoy!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Anabelle's Swimming Lessons

"Big pool, big pool!!" That's what we hear all week. Unfortunately once we actually get there, all we here is "No pool. Snack." That and she wants to just play in the kiddie pool rather than learn how to swim with dad in the big pool. Oh, the wonderful/terrible twos!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A nice Sunday at GG and Grandpa Bob's

This past Sunday we spent the afternoon playing at GG and Grandpa Bob's house. It was a beautiful day and a fun time! Anabelle got her first ride on the lawnmower. She loved playing on it but when it actually starting moving (with Dad driving) she was a little concerned! That didn't stop her from giving Macy lessons on how to drive though. Look at how Macy is holding on tight to her big sister!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The meaning of life

If you listen closely Macy explains the meaning of life . . . and if you don't listen closely she's giving directions to your local supermarket.

Oh yeah, Anabelle's cameo appearance isn't as bad as it seems. She had decided she would be behind camera and not on camera!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Macy tries cereal!

Macy tried her 1st solid food - rice cereal. Except that the first time, you have to mix it with so much milk that it's really like feeding her milk on a spoon. She did pretty well though! I look forward to many more messy meals in the future!