Monday, December 21, 2009

She's a McLoraine

Anabelle took the McLoraine test and passed with flying colors. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse but here are the pictures to prove her test results. She's a spoon-nose prodigy!!!

Anabelle Helps Dad

Anabelle and dad did their first project together. Anabelle helped pass dad tools and held bolts. It's a little too early to compare her to Colleen's mastery of tools but she has potential. Here are some pictures of my little helper.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good dog

If you read the previous post (about Barley's early Christmas present) you'll see why Barley deserves lots of TLC. Anabelle thought it would be a fun game to bury Barley in grocery bags. He wasn't super excited about the idea but he tolerated it! They're good buddies.

Barley with Santa!

Barley got an early Christmas present and went to play with his friends at Camp Bow Wow for the day! He was surprised to see that Santa was there. He did much better than Anabelle meeting the big guy. And I think he asked for lots of rawhides and extra bags of food! Oh and maybe some snow to play in!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Picking out a Christmas Tree

Last weekend we picked out our tree! We have a live one but it was really cold outside so this is a picture of us with the fake trees inside! We just put some wrapped presents under the tree, but quickly had to move them because between Barley and Anabelle we would have had nothing to open at Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Anabelle's 15 month check-up

A couple days ago Anabelle went to see her doctor for a regular check-up! She is doing great. She now weighs 22 pounds (40 percentile) and she's 31 inches tall (75 percentile)! The doc asked if my husband was tall and it took all I had not to laugh out loud! We're not sure where Anabelle is getting her height from but I'm guessing she should enjoy it while she can because, with these genes, it won't last for long!
She was also very brave while she got her MMR (measels, mumps, rubella) and HiB shots.

2nd Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday, I had my second doc appt and all is well! I'm 14 weeks and moving right along! I got to hear the heartbeat which was good and strong. It was about 150 beats/minute which old wives tales say means it's a girl! Guess we still have to wait about a month to know for sure!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hysterical Anabelle

Maggie had a day this week when Anabelle just wouldn't stop laughing. You should be able to click on a second video at the end of the first. Hope it makes you smile and laugh.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anabelle meets Santa!

Well, she knows how to say "Ho Ho Ho" but she was not in the mood to chat with Santa! We'll try again soon!