Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our Anniversary

Six years sure can fly by! We celebrated our anniversary this past weekend while grandma and grandpa stayed at our house with the girls.
We went to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and had a nice fall day for a hike. We saw beautiful Brandywine Falls. It was sooooo nice to get away for a whole 24 hours!!
Meanwhile back at the homestead Anabelle and Macy kept Ma and Pa busy. But I think in the end, everyone had fun!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Macy's Check-up

Macy had her 4 month "well visit" today and all looks great!

Weight: 12 lb 8 oz (45th percentile)
Height: 24.5 in (55th percentile)

Doc gave us the ok to start feeding her solids! So first we'll try rice cereal, then some veggies. Should be fun!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy 4 month Birthday Macy

Macy's 4 months old today and she's doing great!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friday Night Lights!

Ok, so it wasn't actually Friday night, but Anabelle (and Macy too) got to enjoy the fun of the high school football field with the band and the cheerleaders! Mom just joined the Early Childhood PTA of Rocky River. They have sooo many fun events planned and this was one of the first so we thought we'd check it out. It really helped that it is a beautiful warm fall evening and that Anabelle can always feel the rhythm of a drum (thanks to all the early dance sessions with Auntie Alice).
Anabelle banged on the drums while Macy slept!
Shaking some pom-poms! Watch out boys!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ha Ha Ha

Macy laughed for the first time today! A very real, very cute laugh!! Mom was changing her clothes and tickled her tummy and that got her giggling! So much fun.

Monday, September 13, 2010

We made cupcakes!

Anabelle is such a good helper in the kitchen! Finally, after talking about it for weeks, we finally made CUPCAKES! And it was so much fun.

Anabelle put all the liners carefully in each cup.

Helped with the stirring (only a little got on the counter, floor and mom)!

Of course, you have to lick the batter to make sure it tastes ok!
Then came the hardest part ... waiting for them to be ready.
But when they were, boy was it worth it! YUM!

Maybe next week, we'll try cookies! Maybe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sitting pretty

Macy is now 3 1/2 months old and I feel like if you look at her you can see her grow! She is getting really good at holding up her head so she is now a fan of her Bumbo chair! And she loves to "stand" if mom and dad are holding her.
Another necessary but very un-fun milestone: I think she's starting to get some teeth! She's a drool machine and puts her hands in her mouth lots. So, look forward to a picture with a toothy grin!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Picture Day Picture Day

Here is what it was like at picture day for Anabelle, Macy, Mom and Dad. Click on the picture and it should take you to a new website. Then towards the top left select "Slideshow". Send me a comment if it doesn't work so I can try to fix it. Thanks!

Portraits Sept, 2010

New Videos

Just a reminder that new videos show up from time to time on the left panel. We don't always have a post specifically for each video. Hope things are going well for everyone. Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

Breese, Maggie, Anabelle and Macy