Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We're still here!!

Hi there everyone -
So sorry we have been MIA from the blog lately. Life sure gets busy with 2 little ones! Quick updates ...
Anabelle is almost 3 years old now, as she will remind you every day, "My birthday is coming up soon and I get to eat cake." and "Is today my birthday party mom?" She cracks us up constantly with her silly facial expressions, made up dance moves and random words and phrases. The other day she said, "Mom, can you do me a favorite?" She's also very good at wheeling and dealing with one of her favorite phrases being "Is that a good deal?" Above all though she is a great big sister and keeps a good eye on Macy.
Speaking of Macy - she's 14 months old now and I swear if I look at her I can see her grow. And the smile on her face is priceless - she smiles so big at the littlest things! And when she smiles her eyes get so small I don't think she can see. She's just a happy, busy girl. And her teeth are her story right now - she has 4 going on 12 teeth. Seriously. She started with the normal front middle teeth and then skipped right to the big guns - the molars. Painful! But she's doing awesome.
A couple weeks ago, we took the girls camping for 1 night and it was so much fun. We hiked, saw snakes, had smores at the campfire, caught lightning bugs, and had too much fun playing in the tent. Here's a few pics from that adventure!

So, this Watson family is doing great. Since new things are always happening, I promise I will try to keep up better with the blog!

Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That tent looks like a blast =) see u guys soon!!!
love, aunt coll