Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter at GG and Grandpa Bob's

It was basically impossible to get Macy to stand still for a picture of how stinkin' cute she was on Easter. And it was impossible to get Macy and Anabelle to happily stand still together for even 2 seconds. So, here's the pictures you'll have to settle for of our Easter!

My dad is doing better and even sat at the table and had Easter dinner with us!


Anonymous said...

I am only counting full days now. so my count comes to...3 DAYS TILL I GET TO SEE YOU ALL! Can't wait! Cocktail time aka cocktail weekend =)
~aunt trolley

Anonymous said...

Those girls are soooooooooo cute, hope they got to have an easter egg hunt. Hope Bob is getting better. And Colleen, remember to stay sober enough to watch the girls. Pa