Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter at GG and Grandpa Bob's

It was basically impossible to get Macy to stand still for a picture of how stinkin' cute she was on Easter. And it was impossible to get Macy and Anabelle to happily stand still together for even 2 seconds. So, here's the pictures you'll have to settle for of our Easter!

My dad is doing better and even sat at the table and had Easter dinner with us!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recent Videos

Hi Everybody,

I posted four new videos (check to the left video bar). If you only have time to watch one and are looking for a good laugh then watch the one below titled "What Did She Say?". We have no idea where it came from.

In general the girls have been getting along well. Macy just wants to be as close as possible to Anabelle at all times which can annoy Anabelle. We are getting ready for an exiting May with a Derby party and Macy's first birthday. Other than that just praying that the Cleveland weather will finally turn and give us something decent. Hope everyone is doing well.