Thursday, January 20, 2011

One-liners by Anabelle Grace

From the mouth of a 2-year-old:

First thing in the morning, before "Hi" or "Good morning, Mom" she said:
"I want candy. Every kind. All of it."

Admiringly touching the shoulder of my shirt:
"Nice shirt mom. Loooovvvveeee it."

About her doll with an unfortunate name: "Mom, Crap went poop."

And my current favorite ...
To her crying 7 month old sister: "Don't cry Macy. Use your words."

Life is full of laughs, hope you just had a few courtesy of our little comedian (who has no idea how funny she is)!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mega Update!

Wow! It has been a reeeealllllyyy long time since we've posted much about what's happening with the Watson family North! So, let's see:

1. Anabelle is potty trained!!!!!!!
About a month ago, I (this is Maggie by the way) had a full week off work, and Anabelle was "showing the signs." So, we went for it. All I have to say is thank goodness for Santa and for Fisher Price Little People - they were both very involved in the training process. Santa doesn't like when people poop in their underwear. I'm just saying. And basically anything the Little People say, Anabelle will do. Even if mom said the exact same thing 2 seconds earlier. So, after a long week of reading lots of potty books and talking about how most of YOU keep your underwear clean and dry, we had a potty-going-2-year-old! YAY! Now when I go on the potty Anabelle says, "Mom, I'm so proud of you." It's encouraging.

2. Christmas and New Year were so much fun! Anabelle got everything she asked for (a baby doll, Little People and a purse) and so much more! Macy got everything she asked for (as told to us by her big sister) - a pink pig.
We got to spend time with Auntie Alice and all the Gibbons'. Then we were able to take a quick trip to Louisville to play with all the Watsons. It was such a nice holiday!

3. Macy cut her first tooth! FINALLY! I swear it's been 3 months that I've been saying "I think tomorrow she'll have a tooth." But poor thing. That tooth did not come easy. And although she's very smiley, Macy is saving the first picture of her tooth for a special occasion. Not sure when we'll get to snap a pic, but as soon as we do we'll post for all to see! This'll have to do for now:

4. Anabelle is signed up for preschool. Yes, believe it. I was shaking my head as I was waiting in line to register, thinking "Is this really happening?!" But starting in September, she'll be one of the newest students at Rocky River United Methodist Nursery School. She's gonna love it!

Other than that, life is as it normally is ... absolutely crazy busy! We are (already) very much looking forward to the spring so we can get outside to play, but for now we watch movies (Lady and the Tramp is the current favorite) and we play kitchen (several bowls and spoons and about a quarter cup of water = hours of entertainment).

We spend a lot of time at the nature center - yes "we." Anabelle is in Frogs and Polliwogs class so, on my days off we're still there! All in all, life is good!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Video Updates

Just wishing it was still the holidays, spending time with family instead of going to work. Cleveland snow is in full force. About 4 inches yesterday, a couple inches today and several planned for tomorrow. Thank goodness we have a snow blower.

There are three new videos posted in the side bar. Enjoy!